First and foremost, I want everyone to know that their comments and phone calls have been wonderful. I have tears in my eyes knowing how much everyone cares.
To address the concern at hand, I spent last Tuesday with my sister in the LDS temple, seeking spiritual guidance on her behalf. We felt it was imperative, as she had discovered that her marriage has been based on deception for the past 2 years. She had asked me to come be with her and buoy her up as she made decisions for her future.
She constantly amazes me with her strength...and her ability to love people, regardless of hurt that they bring into her life. She has an amazing ability to see what growth experiences have given her rather than dwell on the negative, life-changing aspects that would be so easy for her to focus on. She has made the decision to move on...file for annullment, and look for the hope that lies ahead. HUGE decisions, and not what she would have chosen when she married 2 years ago, but at this point, it IS the answer... and there was such HOPE in making that decision, it was almost tangible.
I don't know what else to say right now...maybe I've said too much, but I did not mean to concern any of you family, friends, or readers.
Thank you for your love and prayers on my sister's behalf.
I'm sorry to hear things are sad for your sister. What a blessing that she has a sister to lean on right now.
Having been through a short/failed marriage, I know what all this feels like...and it gets so much better.
Thank heavens.
I agree with c jane, having been through the same. My heart aches for her and I pray that she will find true and eternal happiness with the RIGHT man.
She's certainly blessed to have you.
Wow - now I feel incredibly silly about my comment on your last post. I feel like you are talking about my sister here. I am so glad yours has the courage to move on with her life and expect better for herself. There has been nothing so heartbreaking in my life as seeing my sister go through a similarly doomed marriage and not yet have the hope she needs to end it.
This is what sisters are for. I'm so glad she has you right now!
Now her life can start again. Good for you, for being the strength she needs to make these hard choices. May she have peace and calm in her life, soon.
That's gotta be rough. I've never been through anything like that, but I do have family going through that very thing right now...and I wish more than anything that I could somehow take ALL of their pain and make them feel better...I'm sure you feel the same about your sister! I hope things go better for her and you soon!
I'm sorry your sister has to go through this. But it sounds like she's got great support. She'll be just fine! I'm sure she'll find true happiness really soon.
Thanks for being there for her. I am grateful the two of you have such a strong, deep bond. You are a true friend, and I proud to have you for my sister.
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