My Family

My Family

Thursday, October 26, 2006

My Very Own Snowman

An illustration of why powdered sugar should be put up after having crepes for breakfast.
Head to toe.
Inch and a half piles on the table, under the lazy Susan, and all over and around the chair.
At least I knew what to do...take a picture and blog about it! (Samuel - 20 months)


kodiak73 said...

How brave of you to involve the little guy in your bread activities. Or did he take on the project all by himself? Is his hair really that blond or is that the flour and sunlight?

Kristine said...

I wish I had chosen to involve him in the "activity" at was his own idea...and his hair is VERY brown...not powdered sugar blond as it shows here! He literally had at least a quarter inch in his hair...maybe even more! I did start laughing as soon as I saw it though, because it took me so off guard.

C. Jane Kendrick said...

I can't say enough how much I delight in this photo.

(Sent it to my husband via msn messenger. I hear laughing and "ohhhh" from his office.)

Anonymous said...

Yep that's my Boy!!! Tell him Aunt Kori is proud of him (and glad she doesn't have to clean up the mess!)

Amanda said...

Glad you were laughing. I don't know if I would have screamed or cried. Really though, it is a precious picture. Great that he is helping you out with giving you blogging ideas and all. ;)

Millie said...

What a cute, cute naughty baby - and again, glad it's not me. :)

And now I want crepes.

Dawnyel said...

I would have broken down in TEARS...after scolding for a LONG time! You are such a better mama than I am! I'm taking lessons! (Although, having said all of that, it really is quite funny, and a cute picture!)

Jamie said...

hee hee hee. That was my first thought when Josh came to me covered in pink and purple ink- where's the camera?

Hy said...

That is the "sweetest" picture I have seen in a long time. At least that amount of sugar was on him and not in him. Then you would have had a very, very wild day!

Sarah said...

Thanks goodness for blogs! They help us moms instantly see things from someone else's view and capitalize on it! Penny has been spared a few glares because of my blogger-mommy perspective :)

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. That sure is funny!!! I'm sorry you had to clean it up though (glad I didn't). I remeber when we had crepes on the fourth of July. That was fun!

sheri said...

That's hilarious!!! (well, to me, anyway) And I love how you grabbed the camera and blogged about it. My kinda girl

Anonymous said...

Adorable! Did he react to your discovery of his powdered sugar playing?

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is adorable. Adorable. An adorable mess.