My Family

My Family

Monday, June 08, 2009


Yesterday, we had 5 baby blessings at church.
It took up a good half hour...when the kids were supposed to be quiet and reverent.
So, a few minutes later, as I was passing the sacrament to my 4 year old (Sam), and prompting him yet again to be quiet, he said,
"Mom, is the baby show over?"
I had to work so hard not to laugh out loud!


Kim Skinner said...

amen to that

Chandra said...

that's hilarious....I would have laughed a little...I think! Hope all is well.

Sandy said...

Oh I can only imagine that sweet boy saying that. Cute, cute!!!

Stacy said...

We should send out a memo to the women of the ward to stop having babies...oops too late.

bec said...

I LOVE it!! Bam-Bam, you're so funny!! Thanks for sharing. :D